
75 Pins
Stars Wars art: May the fourth be with you
This image of Kermit the frog pondering life by the river bank with Yoda was painted by Peter De Sève who also created the character design for Ice Age:Dawn of the Dinosaurs, and has illustrated covers for the New Yorker.
J.C. Leyendecker _ 02
J.C. Leyendecker _ 02 : 네이버 블로그
Joseph Christian Leyendecker - Croix de Guerre, Saturday Evening Post Cover, 1918
Joseph Christian Leyendecker, Croix de Guerre, Saturday Evening Post Cover, 1918
Winter Vacation
Winter Vacation, 1937 - J.C. Leyendecker
J.C. Leyendecker _ 01
J.C. Leyendecker조지프 크리스천 레이엔데커 1874.3.23 - 1951.7.25 20세기 초 미국의 저명한 삽화가 ...
永月弥生 on Twitter
남성의 아름다움을 그렸던 존잘러 J.C 레옌데커
오늘의유머 - 남성의 아름다움을 그렸던 존잘러 J.C 레옌데커
Vintage Hiking and Camping Clothes - 1920s to1950s
Vintage Hiking and Camping Clothes - 1910 to 1950 (20 pictures)
J.C. Leyendecker _ 03
J.C. Leyendecker _ 03 : 네이버 블로그
남성의 아름다움을 그렸던 존잘러 J.C 레옌데커
오늘의유머 - 남성의 아름다움을 그렸던 존잘러 J.C 레옌데커