
37 Pins
Divinely Down to Earth
New York architect and designer Shamir Shah, dining room ideas, luxury design, art, for more ideas and inspirartions: http://www.bocadolobo.com/en/inspiration-and-ideas/
Catherine Deneuve
Catherine Deneuve by Helmut Newton, 1966.Robe Yves Saint Laurent Collection Pop Art ....
mirror ll Painting by Tigran Tsitoghdzyan | Saatchi Art
Saatchi Art Artist: Tigran Tsitoghdzyan; Oil 2012 Painting "mirror ll"
This isnt a photo manipulation. It was a photo shoot done in a water tank. They have a gallery full of different concepts. I love this one. The zoo by ^astridle on deviantART
Estos 25 Maravillosos Reflejos Harán Que Tu Mundo Quede Al Revés
Fine Art: It shows that she is shy and doesn't allow people to see in very much
Photo Inspiration: 20+ of the best double exposure portraits i've ever seen - Blog of Francesco Mugnai
Photo Inspiration: 20 of the best double exposure portraits i’ve ever seen