
111 Pins
boys by girls - Jordan Fowler at Elite Models photographed by...
Jordan Fowler at Elite Models photographed by Sophie Mayanne. Styling by Hannah Beck. Jordan wears Polo neck jumper stylist’s own. See the full series here
Lucky Blue Smith by Jae Foo - Backstage at Billy Reid, FW15
Bleak Reverie by NataliaDrepina on DeviantArt
“… Earth does such things to itself: furrowing, cracking apart, bursting into flame. It rips openings in itself, which it struggles (or not) to skin over. The moon doesn’t care about its own craters and bruises. Only we can regret the perishing of the burned place. Only we could call it a wound.” — MARGARET ATWOOD, FROM ‘A FIRE PLACE’, MORNING IN THE BURNED HOUSE
1,229 Likes, 14 Comments - Lyla Iwamoto / 岩本 ライラ (@lylaa05) on Instagram: “@nakai_kakimotoarms 髪の毛いつもセットしていただいてる が、自分でも巻けるようになりたい。”