
18 Pins
Four Competing Visions for 1st & Broadway Civic Park
Four Competing Visions for 1st & Broadway Civic Park | Urbanize LA
What is Placemaking?
PLACEMAKING: “Every Mayor’s Dream” - using the arts to develop an area where people want to live, work and congregate. The key is to treat the ARTS AS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THE CITY’S IDENTITY. (backers include National Governors Association ( and many others)
Children Utopia by Peng Architect
Children Utopia / Peng Architect - 谷德设计网
Children Utopia by Peng Architect
Children Utopia / Peng Architect - 谷德设计网
Public Realm Scheme Underway in Watford
Public Realm Scheme Underway in Watford
Koum Kapi (2nd Prize) -
Koum Kapi Competition Aim of the proposed intervention is the design of a public space that will be able to address both the local (at the scale of the neighborhood) and the city level.