3D 스타일라이즈드

12 Pins
Antorus the Burning Throne, Shem Dawson
ArtStation - Antorus the Burning Throne, Shem Dawson
Isometric game assets forest
Isometric game assets forest. Isometric game art #isometric #isometricgame #gameart #vectorgraphics #isometricforest #mobilegameart #isometrictree
Environment Assets - Empires Apart, ZUGZUG Studio
A work i have done for December month for "DestinyBit" Studio and their upcoming RTS game "Empires Apart" Concepts are done by the great artist Scott Pellico! http://destinybit.com/ http://empiresapart.net/ https://www.artstation.com/artist/appylon
Environment Assets - Empires Apart, ZUGZUG Studio
ArtStation - Environment Assets - Empires Apart, Zug Zug
Environment Assets - Empires Apart, ZUGZUG Studio
A work i have done for December month for "DestinyBit" Studio and their upcoming RTS game "Empires Apart" Concepts are done by the great artist Scott Pellico! http://destinybit.com/ http://empiresapart.net/ https://www.artstation.com/artist/appylon