Slipped and Fell on Some Feelings

52 Pins
a man in a hat sitting on a chair
Indiana Jones i.e. Harrison Ford is HOT! :) I love him no matter how big the difference in our ages!
a close up of a person wearing a suit and tie with a serious look on his face
Harrison Ford - he's in it for the long game! Look at that face! God, I crushed on him so hard before that word was a verb....
black and white photograph of a man sitting on a couch
These 47 Photos From The Past Prove That People Used To Be Ridiculously Classy.
Pinning just for young Harrison Ford...and Marlon Brando...and...well, you get it
an old black and white photo of two people sitting on a couch with one woman holding her hand up
a dame like me
Gene Wilder and Madeline Kahn in Young Frankenstein (1974) dir. Mel Brooks
a man in black shirt looking at camera with blue tile wall and window behind him
Redirect Notice
he makes me uncomfortable....not in a bad way...just not sure why....
a man and woman laying on top of each other
Joaquin Phoenix photographed by Michael Muller, 2005.
a close up of a person wearing a jacket and looking at the camera with a serious look on his face
Joaquin Phoenix sexy hot guys male celebs celebrities actor
a young man sitting at a table with his hands on his hips and looking off to the side
Crispin Glover
Still of Crispin Glover in Back to the Future
a man in a pinstripe suit posing for the camera
Burton slips Glover in his Alice
Crispin Glover - met him/got his autograph twice