
18 Pins
The Beast of Burden - Illusion and Deception on the Path of Enlightenment
“Chi tace e chi piega la testa muore ogni volta che lo fa, chi parla e chi cammina a testa alta muore una volta sola.” Giovanni Falcone - (Who is silent and who bends his head dies every time he does, who speaks and walks speaker and high walking with his head held high dies once)
Indian women live in fear of violence as gang-rape of 23-year-old student on a bus sparks protests
I was just talking about this with my mother. We, sadly, live in a society that blames the victim. She let herself get too drunk. If she dresses like that she was "asking for it". It's her fault for walking alone at night in THAT neighborhood. It makes me sick as a person.
Our Fundamental Human Rights [Infographic]
Women's March on Washington - Public Call for Art
WOMEN’S MARCH ON WASHINGTON – Jennifer Maravillas, “Our Bodies, Our Minds”
March With History's Greatest Writers On Your Side, Thanks To This Protest Art
March With History's Greatest Writers On Your Side, Thanks To Molly Crabapple's Protest Art | The Huffington Post
Karyn Jimenez-Elliott — Assembly Required
Karyn Jimenez-Elliott free protest materials free protest posters free protest signs resist
Stand up for ALL women: black, asian, muslim, latina, disabled, trans, fat, poor, rich, white. Intersectional feminism
uma feminista cansada
youngblackandvegan: sikssaapo-p: "The system was never broken it was built this way" the sooner you realize this, the sooner you’ll reali...
They got money for wars but can't feed the poor. -Tupac