James Tissot

16 Pins
The Procession in the Streets of Jerusalem by Tissot
The Procession in the Streets of Jerusalem by James Tissot {c.1886-94} ~ Jesus Palm Sunday
The Descent from the Cross by Tissot
The Descent from The Cross by James Tissot {c.1886-94} ~ Jesus
Devotion for Day of September 27, 2013
Philip the Apostle by James Tissot, ca. 1889. - Matthew 10:2 2 The names of the 12 apostles are these: First, Simon, the one called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zeb′e·dee and John his brother; 3 Philip and Bar·thol′o·mew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Al·phae′us; Thad·dae′us; 4 Simon the Ca·na·nae′an; and Judas Is·car′i·ot, who later betrayed him.
The people beholding the things that were done smote their breasts by Tissot
The People, Beholding the Things that were Done Smote Their Breasts by James Tissot {c.1886-94} ~ Jesus
Category:The Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ (based on illustrations by James Tissot)
The Corner Stone(Le pierre angulaire)Mark 12:10Luke 20:17Matthew 21:42-46
Hobbies for College Students: Art, Sports, Cooking, and Other Ideas
James Tissot, Jesus Goes Up Alone onto a Mountain to Pray, 1886-94