
40 Pins
This is a really visually interesting combination logo! I like how the eye image is over the text, "Eye Associates." Also the eye appears to be looking on it's side. The eye is created with mainly diagonal lines on an angle together with a couple curved lines as well. This created a clean and fixed image. #Logo #Design
Входящие (15754 новых письма) — Яндекс.Почта
email newsletter #newsletter #design #email #emailnewsletter #layout #newsletterlayout
p8tre.emv3.com/HM?a=ENX7CqlHSMzz8SA9MKJLoq_nGHxKLBbSCvcStGb5lw8W0bBhOG5mpqVsje_HhdD6ZlLO | Awesome Screenshot
Sheer Elegance – Beauty and Opulence in Web Design
Soo Kee Jewellery (scheduled via http://www.tailwindapp.com?utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=twpin&utm_content=post19780576&utm_campaign=scheduler_attribution)
Noémie Villard | Jewellery Project
Cool Web Design, FLASH Collection. #webdesign #webdevelopment [http://www.pinterest.com/alfredchong/]
Entheos Template Shop - Best Graphic and Web Design Templates
Template 53910 - Jewelry Store Responsive VirtueMart Template