33 Pins
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Pin Curl Technitque - Oh how I'll never forget Mom took an hour to roll my hair, I got sick so we left them in for 36 or so hours. When we uncurled them I had hair as big as a basketball and would not go to school.
Inspiration: Vintage Curls
Vintage Hairstyle: vintage curls on short hair. Ava Gardner is so beautiful!
And @boden... I would love to WIN! Love your whole store! I was born in 1959, and creating my board brought back truly wonderful memories. Thank you :)
Pincurl diagrams scanned from Standard Textbook of Cosmetology, published by Accredited Schools of Beauty Culture, Inc. - The Beauty Thesis
Pincurl diagrams scanned from Standard Textbook of Cosmetology, published by Accredited Schools of Beauty Culture, Inc. - love retro
1920s Hairstyles History- Long Hair to Bobbed Hair
Period - Haha 'if you must rebel and look like a man, do it right' Flapper 1920s hairstyles / bobs