3D Modeling

3D Modeling Reference
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Introduction to Keyshot
Introduction to Rendering ZBrush Models in Keyshot - Lesterbanks
3D & Animation online courses for creative professionals | Domestika
CGTalk - This has never happened to me before, Tiago Hoisel (2D)
3D & Animation online courses for creative professionals | Domestika
CGTalk - KZO, Cristiano Rinaldi (3D)
3D & Animation online courses for creative professionals | Domestika
Rokly Wang. Modeled in Zbrush. Texturing in Zbrush and Photoshop. Retopologized in 3DCoat, Rendered in Maya using mental ray, and the hair is using Maya hair system.
3D & Animation online courses for creative professionals | Domestika
CGTalk - mech-boss, Denis Didenko (3D)
3D & Animation online courses for creative professionals | Domestika
Fausto de Martini for Blizzard Entertainment (via CGSociety.com)