116 Pins
Jon7athan. The 7 is silent.
Once again, I love how the subject's face is grey and white and the main focal point of the work. I love how her hair and clothing is almost solid black with the backdrop a dark grey.
Ошибка 429
Sir Ian McKellen - Soft Dramatic (Royal Ethereal + Mahogany Ethereal + Sun Ethereal) + Fairytale Ethereal + French Ethereal + Wild Ethereal
just chillin
child's face and amazing photography by jwlphotography on Flickr
Multidimensional Blonde
Day 5: Favorite photo of Niall Horan and why. he just looks so adorable and thats why i love him so much, cause he's just too cute for words:)
Christian Dior Pre-Fall 2016 Fashion Show
Christian Dior Pre-Fall 2016 Collection Photos - Vogue