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Dr. Kaye Cleave| Proaging Blogger & Fun Seeker on Instagram: "🥰 Give it a try and let me know how it goes ##silversisters #silverhair #healthyageing #midlifeinfluencers #greyhair #wrinkles #ageing #ageisjustanumber #gettingolder #wiser #proage #intentionalageing #olderwomen #wisdom #proageing #ageingdisgracefully #wildwomen #agepositive #inspiringwomen #activeaging #instagramover50 #agestronglivewell #almost60 #loveyourage #Aging #OlderWomen #AgePositive #ProAgeing #ProAging"
VICTORIA ROSE | Improve your hip mobility with these 3 stretches👇🏼! 1. 90/90 - 3 Way Stretch 👉🏼 30 sec each position. 2. Laying Pretzel Stretch 👉🏼 60… | Instagram
One of the easiest ways to start improving your hip mobility #hipmobility #hipstretches #hipflexibility #hippain #FAI #hipflexors #psoas… | Instagram
Dr. Joe Damiani - TMJ, Head & Neck Specialist | Comment the word ‘NECK’ on this video if you need help fixing neck or shoulder pain. Do you experience stifness or pain on one side of... | Instagram
Dr. Joe Damiani - TMJ, Head & Neck Specialist | Comment the word ‘NECK’ on this video if you need help fixing neck or shoulder pain. Do you experience stifness or pain on one side of... | Instagram
Dr. Joe Damiani - TMJ, Head & Neck Specialist on Instagram: "Comment the word ‘NECK’ on this video if you need help fixing neck or shoulder pain. Do you experience stifness or pain on one side of your neck? Maybe it moves down to the top of the shoulder, shoulder blade or arm? Have you also been stretching that tight muscle by pulling in the opposite direction? Maybe you’ve been tight to stretch the upper trapezius or scalene muscles. This is a very common mistake because while of course there are times when the muscle itself is tight from overuse… Most of the time when the pain has been around for a week or longer there is some type of involvement from the spine. Think about the materials of your spine like a tube of toothpaste if you squeeze it from one side, it puts pressure out to t
949K views · 31K reactions | 🧘🏻‍♀️This is an excellent stretch that opens the chest, and considering how many hours we spend in poor posture (hunched over), it’s a great way to help your body improve and relieve discomfort in your back, shoulders, and neck. You can do this daily for 1 minute while taking deep breaths. Repost @veronicaocampoec (thank you) #YogaUSA #StretchingUSA #WellnessUSA #BackHealthUSA #PostureCorrectionUSA #FitnessUSA #HealthCoachUSA #MindBodyUSA #YogaUK #StretchingUK #WellnessUK #BackHealthUK #PostureCorrectionUK #FitnessUK #MindBodyUK #YogaCanada #StretchingCanada #WellnessCanada #BackHealthCanada #PostureCorrectionCanada #FitnessCanada #HealthCoachCanada #MindBodyCanada #HealthyLifestyleUSA #HealthyLifestyleUK #HealthyLifestyleCanada #SelfCareUSA #SelfCareUK #SelfCareCanada | Alex.Germany.Chiropractor
Elijah Matelson | ⏰ 5 Minutes To A New You! What if? What if you started right now? With just 5 minutes? What could that unlock for you? There’s only one… | Instagram