
23 Pins
Little Oil Art
Art by 小油画 Little Oil* • Blog/Website | (http://littleoil.tumblr.com) ★ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES™ (https://www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences & https://www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh) • Love Character Design? Join the #CDChallenge (link→ https://www.facebook.com/groups/CharacterDesignChallenge) Share your unique vision of a theme, promote your art in a community of over 50.000 artists! || ★
Berlin ArtParasites
Gabriel Moreno's Illustrations https://www.facebook.com/GabrielMorenoIllustrations
pinterest; @indiestylee / tumblr; artisiant / blog; indiestyle.co.uk
Illustrations of 2015
My nine Is your noon; I'm just packing now Your winter My June; Wish I could pack you. "He's leaving" by Lang Leav Illustrations of 2015 by Kathrin Honesta on Behance
Ocean - Svabhu Kohli
Ocean by Svabhu Kohli. I love the idea of these drawings. I could maybe do something similar maybe with galaxies and planets and other things?