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Dies und Das am Sonntag * This and that on Sunday
Hyazinthen, Tulpen, spinnen, Wolle, häkeln, stricken, pflanzengefärbte Wolle, Hyazinten in Glas, Dekoblog, Wohnblog
our tomato arbor
I would love to build an arbor like this one day and cover it in vine!
Különleges kerti járdák, stílusos lépőkövek - Színes Ötletek
This path, meandering through the pine trees and accentuated by flowers that look like they could grow there naturally is perfect for a stroll in the afternoon.
15 Big Fixes For Small City Gardens
In this garden, pea gravel gives a path presence and delineates the space. | Photographer: Donna Griffith | Designer: Landscape design, Troy and Michelle Miller
Arch In Back Yard
Beautiful garden arch over a pathway from pieces of an old sidewalk.
Landscaping Gazette Online
Container Garden: The containers are zinc: the grass is Miscanthus 'Dixieland' surrounded by Erigeron 'Profusion,' which will bloom until the hard frost. #ContainerGarden