
299 Pins
2012 AILA Victorian Awards
Lonsdale Street, Dandenong, has been transformed from a busy urban thoroughfare to a pedestrian boulevard by Taylor Cullity Lethlean.
Gallery of Promenade Samuel-de Champlain / Option aménagement + Consortium Daoust Lestage + Williams Asselin Ackaoui - 20
Gallery of Promenade Samuel-de Champlain / Option aménagement + Consortium Daoust Lestage + Williams Asselin Ackaoui - 20
Landscape Architecture Dissertation: 'A Perpetual Pride'
#ClippedOnIssuu from Landscape Architecture Dissertation: 'A Perpetual Pride'
Cerritos Sculpture Garden | Civic, Cultural + Institutional | Work
Cerritos Sculpture Garden | Civic, Cultural + Institutional | Work | LRM Ltd.