
39 Pins
Sandstone-clad blocks encircle central square at island clubhouse in Jiaxing
JIAXING ISLAND project by MORE Architecture and AIM Architecture
Galeria de 1º Lugar no concurso CODHAB-DF para edifícios de uso misto em Santa Maria/DF - 10
1º Lugar no concurso CODHAB-DF para edifícios de uso misto em Santa Maria,© Estúdio Gamboa de Arquitetura
Dancing Apartment / Unsangdong architects
'dancing apartment' by unsangdong architects image courtesy unsangdong architects 'dancing apartment' has been designed by korean firm unsangdong architects. located in south korea the apartments are built using oblique lines in which each unit consists of a terrace. the building consists of various community spaces which include parks, leisure facilities, event space, a library, media space and..
Gallery of Student's Residence on U.L.E Campus / MACA Estudio + VIRAI Arquitectos - 14
Student’s Residence on U.L.E Campus / MACA Estudio + VIRAI Arquitectos
LES HAUTS DE JARDINS | Philippon-Kalt Architectes Urbanistes
LES HAUTS DE JARDINS | Philippon-Kalt Architectes Urbanistes
Katılımcı (SN Mimarlık), Merzifon Belediyesi İş ve Yaşam Merkezi Mimari Proje Yarışması - Arkitera
Mimari proje raporu:
LH주택설계기술 경진대회, 우수상 (Sustainable Reform)
LH주택설계기술 경진대회, 우수상 (Sustainable Reform)
LH주택설계기술 경진대회, 우수상 (Sustainable Reform)