
24 Pins
Schneekugeln als Kunstthema Mit einer fünften Klasse habe ich im Kunstunterricht Schneekugeln angefertigt. Die Kinder bekamen von mir ei...
City reflections art
disegnare su un foglio con un pastello a cera bianco, colorare poi con gli acquarelli
Van zwarte stroken lijstjes gemaakt op de ramen en de kinderen met krijtstift een tekening laten maken. Nutsschool Maastricht
Winter & Christmas Activities Archives
The ImaginationBox: design a funky winter bobble hat and mittens with these free templates - a watercolour wash over white wax crayon pattern creates an interesting nordic style effect
Una bufanda feta per tota la classe. Treball individual que aprofita per a una decoració colectiva.
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Artwork published by Ethan3908
Check out Ethan3908's artwork on Artsonia, the largest student art museum on the web. Don't forget to join the fan club and leave a comment on the website.