
135 Pins
How to Deploy Lean Six Sigma -
Lean Six Sigma Training Rollout Kit: Everything You Need To Successfully Launch Process Improvement Training -
PRINCE2 Process Diagrams
We decided that PRINCE2 diagrams could do with a freshen up so we’ve created an easy to read, standardised set of diagrams covering the 7 PRINCE2 processes to help learn PRINCE2. Starting with the PRINCE2 Process Model and then breaking it down into each of the 7 processes.
Vad är en affärsmodell? - En introduktion till begreppet
Business Model Timeline - The Evolution of the Business Model Concept
DMAIC is a problem solving approach from the world of Six Sigma. But it's generic and as good a problem-solving process as any for a Project Manager to keep in your toolkit.
California Division | Federal Highway Administration
Shows the seven phases of the project lifecycle and the flow of the lifecycle tasks. The phases includes Interfacing to the Regional Architecture; Concept Exploration and Benefits Analysis; Project Planning and SEMP Framework; Plan Development and Updates; Development and Implementation Integration, Verification; Operations and Maintenance and Validation; Changes and Upgrades; and System Retirement Replacement. The flow of the lifecycle tasks includes the flow from decomposition and definition
Service Blueprints: Definition
An extension of customer journey maps, service blueprints visualize organizational processes in order to optimize how a business delivers a user experience.
Value Stream Mapping & Design Training | KAIZEN™
How to map a process using value stream mapping
Apply the PDCA Cycle for Continuous Improvement on EPCI Project
Apply the PDCA Cycle for Continuous Improvement on EPCI Project
M.O.R.E. International
Lean six sigma roadmap - Buscar con Google