
44 Pins
Moss, maple, mortar - Moss & Stone Gardens
The pairing of moss and maples melds together like moss on moist. This antique Japanese teak rice mortar, inspired David Spain to go with the placement of a Japanese maple, nestled deep in the mortar base.
You're Sure to Feel Zen After You See These 51 Stunning Bonsai
Penjing is more "freestyle" than bonsai. This twisty, curly-cue style is a perfect example. Sometimes the design even forms Chinese characters.
Pasos para crear un Bonsai
Aqui te dejamos unos practicos pasos para crear un bonsai 1. Pyracantha angustifolia comprada en el vivero. 2. Cortar el envase hasta el nivel de la tierra, para ver bien la base del árbol. 3. Trab...
Bonsai - Ikadabuki / http://www.agaclar.net/forum/65362-post1.htm
Unusual Bonsai: Unique and Rare Varieties You'll Love
One of the more unusual bonsai styles is neagari. A Japanese word for exposed root, sometimes called octopus style bonsai. #DIY Read more: http://www.bonsaimary.com/unusual-bonsai.html#ixzz3wJaidqkb
The Formal and Informal Upright Styles in Bonsai - Gardening Site
Our top 10's - Bonsai Empire
It took 30 years to grow the 6,5 foot (2 meter) branch of this Juniper bonsai, at Kyoto Garden Ryokan Yachiyo. Photo by: Michael Bonsai
Bonsai evolution (original source: https://goo.gl/nhE7Ln) | Pohon bonsai, Bonsai, Menanam bunga
Bonsai evolution (original source: https://goo.gl/nhE7Ln):