Natural remedies

☝️ 3 Pressure Points That’ll Instantly Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally - by Dr Sam Robbins
BLOOD PRESSURE ☝️ 3 Pressure Points That’ll Instantly Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally
The Muscle Whisperer - Chronic Pain Expert on Instagram: "Hip pain SUCKS! 😣 - This is such a good move 🤤 It mobilizes AND activates muscles in the hip that can “clamp” down and make you feel stuck 😩 - Whether it’s hip arthritis, bursitis, labrum tears, low back pain, etc, we MUST get those hips moving within a pain free range of motion and utilize more rotation 🤩 - So give this a try and watch those hips open up! 🕺🏻 - Make sure to take your time and BREATHE! 😯💨 - As always, if this move causes you pain, decrease the range of movement. If pain persists, stop the exercise! 🤗 - - - - #movewell #brooklyn #hippain #backpain #lowbackpain #painrelief #lowback #nervepain #sciatica #injuryprevention #backissues #nyc #hipbursitis #physicaltherapist #physicaltherapy #painrelief #sciaticareli
DID YOU KNOW? Once a week for 20 minutes, sit in a hot bath that contains a handful of Epsom salts, 10 drops of lavender essential oil, and a half cup of baking soda. This como draws out toxins, lowers stress related hormones, and balances your pH levels. - iFunny
☝️ These 5 Pressure Points Will Instantly Lower Your Blood Pressure
Kyoto University Graduates Traditionally Put On Bizarre Outfits For The Ceremony, And This Student Attempts To Cosplay President Zelensky