Personality Tests & Star Signs

Meyers Briggs personality tests, comparisons and traits sheets for use in character creation for roleplay
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How MBTI Types Approach Rules
How MBTI Types Approach Rules-as an ENFJ with a lot of INFP traits I fall in both camps lol
I'm really good at that trick! #introvert Second favorite? Being seen by people who will remember I was there and then sneaking out the back.
astrological/zodiac signs: the Elements • Earth / Water / Fire / Air • Earth: Taurus / Virgo / Capricorn • Water: Cancer / Scorpio / Pisces • Fire: Aries / Leo / Sagittarius • Air: Gemini / Libra / Aquarius • Earth: receptive / grounded / enduring / self-sufficient • Water: sensitive / feeling / flowing / tuned-in • Fire: direct / radiant / intuitive / excitable • Air: mental / communicative / curious / connective • infographic by #zodiacreads #zodiac #aquarius #pisces #libra #leo #Gemini #aries #scorpio #virgo #sagittarius #capricorn #taurus #cancer follow @zodiacreads
I took the real test and I am a perfect mix between INFP and INFJ... This is awkward. I would probably sacrifice myself because no one was listening to me LOL
It states that ISTPs are stubborn. I personally prefer the term resolute. I agree that we are generally easy going. And, really, I do not see that the two are contradictory, much less mutually exclusive.
Yeah that's me, at least that's what my family says ;p Entp
MBTI types when sleep deprived || this INTJ needs sleep or I might plot your demise << I'm INTJ also and I need sleep to achieve the highest quality planning...
Something That Each Myers-Briggs Type Finds Boring - Personality Growth
What Each Myers-Briggs Type Finds Boring
Whats your characters?
Razzle Dazzle them
Your stomach does a back-flip. You're not too sure how much longer you can last. You're potential client chatters away as you pounce onto breadcrumbs. They shift uneasily in their chair. Month end ...
Area of study based on ‘Myers-Briggs’ personality type #TommieMedia #infographic #MyersBriggs