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19 Pins
Regal selber bauen: 23 DIY Anleitungen und Heimwerkertipps - ZENIDEEN
Trend: um die Ecke Denken. Tolles Design, das kleine Ecke ausnutzt (und euch den großen Schweden vergessen lässt) #Regal
Private residence - San Francisco, CA - Traditional - San Francisco - by Anthony Lindsey Photography | Houzz
Green library -- Anthony Lindsey Photography, www.anthonylindsey.com
Library inspiration - Sawdust Girl®
My library (sigh) is still not done. I might be a perfectionist. I'm still deciding if that role fits. What can I say? The more I build, the better I want my outcome to be. Patience is a virtu...
75 Home Design Ideas You'll Love - January, 2025
narrow double doors with mirrors give a sophisticated and more modern look