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Analogue Life:日本工藝的完美代言 » ㄇㄞˋ點子
Rich texture and decorative grain was the inspiration behind our February issue trend shoot.
edition 6 - black walnut
handcarved wooden spoons and serving utensils - edition 6 - black walnut
Analogue Life
Handmade Spoon| Maker: Kobo Isado Country: Japan
Outils d'excellence.... Finishing blade,spoon carving knife,Twca Cam hand forged by Nic Westermann,Wales.
Shopmade Wood Carving Hook Knife
Shopmade Wood Carving Hook Knife - Wood Carving Patterns and Techniques | WoodArchivist.com
20 of the best wooden spoons in the world
20 of the best wooden spoons in the world
Cooking up big dreams and coffee scoops this evening. These will get refined once they dry. Coming your way soon @fikacoffee #coffee #fika #fikacoffee #greenwood #spooncarving #sloyd #handcraft #realcraft #woodenspoon #carving #handcarved #carving
Six little willow spoons chopped out. They took longer than they should have as my axe seriously needs some sharpening attention, I really should know by now not to put it off!
Here we go. Starting on the bowl now with a Robin Wood open sweep blade. I will carve out just enough and then switch over to my 65mm TWCA hook. I've already used my Nic Westermann sloyd blade to shape the outline of this cooking/taster spoon. This applewood is really fresh and wet and after this roughing out stage I will let it dry a bit in the box of wood shavings before moving into details and finishing knife work #spooncarving #spoonblade #handwerk #handtools #applespoon #woodenutensil #u...