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Kakashi concerned | He looks like a dad that's ready to kill whoever just hurt his daughter...
Kuroko no Basket // Satsuki Momoi (Naruto!!)
KakaSaku Anonymous
moodiful819: ksanon: This is kind of a post-war scenario where Sakura exhausts all of her chakra healing the injured before she could get to Kakashi. So instead, she personally attends to her old sensei and carries him back to Konoha HAHAHAHA IMMA SAP The walk home was a quiet affair through the forest. Normally a few hour’s trek, his broken leg had made it a two day’s journey. However, no one complained. After just winning a war, everyone could have used a break, and it wasn’t like the c...
KakaSaku Anonymous
Teeny kakasaku because I will love these guys no matter what Edit: forgot to add this song with this, hahaha!
pa-dapa-pada-pa-pa: Photo
pa-dapa-pada-pa-pa : Photo
multicream: “multicream: “patiently waits for the post-finale kakasakusasu angst fics to roll in ” reblog for the day crowd ☀︎ ”