Socials Studies Activities

28 Pins
Classroom Timers - Fun Timers
I love these! Animated timers that you can use to track your 20 minutes. Remember you can always read longer!!! :) Gives students a visual for the time they have remaining. Plus a fun surprise (noise cue) when time is up! :)
10 Classroom Jobs for Middle School and High School - good to set up at the beginning of the year if you're going to
Origins of the Cold War - Reading with Questions
Origins of the Cold War | Free printable reading with questions (PDF file) for high school American History teachers and students.
What have the Mayans ever done for us... apart from predict the end of
They might be best known for having predicted the end of the world on 21 December 2012, but the Mayans gave us so much more to appreciate, admire and learn from before our inevitable doom.
Bloom’s revised Taxonomy with verbs! | Educents Blog
The 6 Levels Of Bloom's Taxonomy, Explained With Active Verbs - Edudemic I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!
Guide to the Aztec Sun Stone and Calendar
No sé qué base arqueológico-astronómica tiene esta lectura del calendario azteca. Pero si uno tiene tiempo puede ser entretenido descifrar esa densa explicación del artefacto.
My Math Block Mini-Series {Part 6}
Neat Idea! One student is selected to be the "Ask Me" person (to help students who need assistance) while the teacher works with small groups-no disruptions for the teacher!!!