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Rose Flower Hand Embroidery : Step by Step Embroidery
Please Watch Full Video on my Youtube Channel "threadskalakari" . You can Learn Hand embroidery and Embroidery hoop art. You will find more Hoop Art Tutorial and Hand embroidery Basic to Expert Level Tutorial. 😊 spring flowers, fabric crafts, hand embroidery, embroidery tutorial, embroidery idea's, handmade, craft, learn embroidery, hand embroidery designs, hand embroidery patterns, hand embroidery flowers
Learn to Create Amazing 3D Embroidery Roses.Easy and Fun Video Tutorial!
Learn to Create Amazing 3D Embroidery Roses.Easy and Fun Video Tutorial! The traditional woven picot stitch technique creates beautiful 3D flowers, but it can be challenging to weave closely spaced petals using a needle in a small area. To simplify the process, I've developed a method called "Standalone Picot." With this technique, I create my woven petals on a fabric that is stretched on a separate embroidery hoop, rather than directly on the final fabric where my design will be.