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Bauhaus is the common term for the Staatliches Bauhaus , a school in Germany that combined crafts and the fine arts, and for the approach to design that it publicized and taught. It operated from 1919 to 1933. The Bauhaus school was founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar. Bauhaus style became one of the most influential currents in Modernist architecture and modern design.
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Germany. Bauhaus School, Dessau / Walter Gropius
Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
Bauhaus Dessau by Walter Gropius
Bauhaus Building Dessau Architecture: School - e-architect
Walter Gropius - The Bauhaus school in Dessau
Palladio Virtuel Exhibition
Gropiusallee #2 by Marcus Hasart, via Flickr
Walter Gropius, Edificio Bauhaus, Dessau,
Bauhaus Lines by GMAdesigns on DeviantArt
A staircase in the Bauhaus school of design, Staatliches Bauhaus, in Dessau, Germany.
Bauhaus 50 years (1968)
Herbert Bayer (1900-1985). Dirige l'imprimerie du Bauhaus de Dessau, celle-ci est liée à la réclame. La logique du texte à imprimer impose la mise en pages. L'aspect pratique l'emporte sur le côté esthétique. Bayer a une expérience pro du graphisme publicitaire, de l'efficacité visuelle, il préconise une typographie élémentaire à la manière des constructivistes.
Bauhaus Dessau (School for Art, Design and Architecture). August 2008 / Photo by Thorsten Steinhaus
Monday Inspiration: Basically Bauhaus — Beth Lindsey Interior Design
Le Bauhaus. Une pensée incontournable, que ce soit dans les arts graphiques ou l'architecture...
The first commercial product of Bauhaus alumni, Wilhelm Wagenfeld — his famous opal glass lamp, conceived c.1923-24 and still in manufacture today.