
171 Pins
Woolie Pentagons Sewing Box - One Dodecahedron Tutorial
Woolie Pentagons Sewing Box - One Dodecahedron Tutorial
いいね!203件、コメント14件 ― 소금빛 자수 saltlight embroideryさん(@saltlight_)のInstagramアカウント: 「ㅡ 재미있는 롤 스티치 입체자수 꽃 나무 열매 32p. ㅡㅡㅡ #소금빛자수 #롤스티치 #손끝에서피는꽃과자수 #입체자수꽃나무열매 #린넨 #입체자수 #자수레슨 #모사자수실…」
145 embroidery technical for beginners
Tina's handicraft : 145 embroidery technical for beginners
When Less is More in Thread Painting and Shading Techniques
Long and Short Stitch Shading on an Embroidered Pansy using 1 thread instead of 2 (for better shading). www.needlenthread.com
Факты, Интересное, Необычное
Красивая рельефная вышивка с элементами объемной глади Lita Jonathans .
Marisa Ramirez
Vandyke stitch, several extant things have this on them in some form or another (see Medieval Clothing and Textiles vol VIII?).
Embroidered bullion roses Tutorial ~ Tecnica chiaccherino con l'ago