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Thirst quenchers: 5 refreshing waterfront projects
Thirst quenchers: 5 refreshing waterfront projects | News
Gallery of 5th Annual Creative Spaces Event - 15
5th Annual Creative Spaces Event,Courtesy of Société de développement commercial du Village (SDCV)
*드라마를 즐기는 전망대 [ Jorge Andrade Benítez ] Quilotoa Crater Overlook
드라마를 감상하는 방법을 제안한다. 안데스산 이제는 화산활동이 멈춘 분화구에 펼쳐진 장관은 보이는 이로 하여금 시간의 숙연함을 자연의 경외를 전달한다. 이를 밀착시키는 전망대는 2개의 레벨로 구성된다. 플랫한 우드데크와 투명한 유리난간으로 막힘없는 시야를 확보하는 상부층과 이로부터 하부로 열린 개구부와 연계된 스탠드형 관람석으로 구성된다. 전망대의 안전한 전망을 제공하는 측면 우드프레임은 상부와 하부..
Floating structure by White Arkitekter offers harbour swimming
Floating structure by White Arkitekter offers harbour swimming | A small town on the Danish island of Bornholm has become another destination for harbour swimming facilities, thanks to a series of new walkways and structures by Swedish firm White Arkitekter (+ slideshow).
Walkable waterfronts are another important factor to a city's walkability, which also includes making sure the water itself is clean. A clean waterfront can provide many activities for communities, especially in the summer.
Gallery of New BIG-Designed Neighborhood to Activate Aarhus’ Waterfront - 18
Gallery - New BIG-Designed Neighborhood to Activate Aarhus’ Waterfront - 18