
16 Pins
펀이슈!! - 지구의 모든 특종과 즐거움을 얇게 저며 만든 블로그!
La publicité, ultime lutte contre la violence domestique
You can tell us your real story
Great piece from the Terre des Femmes nonprofit (Terre des Femmes strives for international networking with other women's rights organizations, supports women in consulting, and supports projects, organisations and initiatives by women for women from abroad. They fight against female genital mutilation, circumcision of infants,violence in the name of honor (forced marriage, honor killing), trafficking in women, forced prostitution and domestic violence)
2015 원쇼 광고제 다이제스트. 원쇼가 뽑은 최고의 광고들. One Show Gold Pencils
2015 원쇼 광고제 다이제스트. 원쇼가 뽑은 최고의 광고들. One Show Gold Pencils :: AD Store : 애드스토어
Stop exclusion - Supporting racism is a crime even on the internet - Best Advertising Campaigns & Marketing Strategy
Stop exclusion - Supporting racism is a crime even on the internet Stop exclusion in association with the Department of Public Instruction in Geneva decided to take action together against racism online. The poster created by cavalcade was aired during the week against racism in march 2016. Credits: Category: Public interest Client: Stop exclusion Agency: cavalcade Country: Switzerland Creative Director: Julien de Preux Art Director: Julien de Preux Copywriter:
Creative Ads: Words kill wars.
This ad promotes talking about issues instead of resorting to violence. It transforms weapons into tools that are used to speak.