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Andrew Jones general blog post for creative people
Mini Electric Wooden Boat Plans by Andrew Jones (ArtisticBrit)
Other Plywood Projects – Toto Kayak
plywood canoes | Other Plywood Projects – Toto Kayak | Compact Camping Concepts
Escapade Pedal Boat | Nauticraft - Pedal & Electric Boats
Escapade Pedal Boat | Nauticraft - Pedal & Electric Boats
Escapade Pedal Boat
You should check out the Escapade Pedal Boat ($3,500). Its leg-powered, 15-inch two-blade propeller and rotomolded polyethylene hull glides smoothly through any body of water — from shallow canals to the Atlantic. With room for up to three drunkards, the boat sports a protective windshield and high freeboards, built-in bilge pump, collapsible polyester bimini top, and a dry shelf for towels, cameras, and the like.
• Speedfish 2 - Ken Bréchet
Speedfish 2, vedette à moteur de 5m. Exercice de style et de modélisation.
Image result for micro skiff plans
The C-Fury delivers new capabilities to passengers and crew in one compact platform, with xceptional stability, ride quality, safety and freedom. Powered by the new Yamaha F70 High Thrust outboard motor, getting on the plane fully loaded or towing a wakeboard with the TurboSwing towbar, the C-Fury Yacht feels like a much larger craft. For more details visit: www.c-fury.com
Johnson 30 hp Long Shaft Outboard Boat Motor For Sale Jet Pump
Pump jet