구입할 것

54 Pins
by sidneychurch I just pre-ordered a Glowforge 3D printer and cutter at 40% off. Get $100 off your order with this link http://ift.tt/1RZRHPk
“무조건 굽지 마세요!” 알아야 잘 먹는 ‘소고기’ 부위 - 지적 존재들의 B컷 - 비주얼다이브
“무조건 굽지 마세요!” 알아야 잘 먹는 ‘소고기’ 부위 [인포그래픽] | 비주얼다이브
ECHO BASE - (11/28/12 Complete, Files Available)
ECHO BASE - (11/28/12 Complete, Files Available)
Project MAME - Other Mame cabinets based on the Project MAME design...
Homemade Arcade Cabinets, and Plans.
The Gadget Goober: Homemade Arcade Cabinets, and Plans.
Nostalgiatron - The Building of a DIY Arcade
Hopefully, my wife lets me build my own MAME Cabinet - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
Note the angled shelf to assist with monitor angle setup. This way you can still use the monitor stand and get about a 30 degree monitor angle.
First attempt at building an arcade cabinet