
59 Pins
[후아유네 프랑스자수원데이클래스]푸른꽃손거울:분당미금/강남양재
2월 후아유네프랑스자수 원데이클래스 푸른꽃손거울로 진행합니다 :) 위 세가지중 푸른색꽃으로 수놓아봅니...
모시가리개패키지 주문받습니다^^
(모시가리개패키지) *모시 세가지색상 봉재바느질 완제품 길이 (105cm) *복합사,베리에이션사,면사 각한타...
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Sunflower Burlap Clutch Zipper Pouch Hand by JuneberryStitches
BORDADOS-Decoração com bastidores
Blog voltado ao artesanato e a culinária!
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Finally you have found the secret to a moment of peace and who knew it could be found in an embroidery hoop.
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Hand Embroidery - Sunflower Hoop by ShopIllumineCreative on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/listing/562585851/hand-embroidery-sunflower-hoop
my head is a kaleidoscope
stitchingbeauty: Sara Gilmore