16 Pins
天然温泉 久松湯 | Works | Kishino Shogo(6D)-木住野彰悟
天然温泉 久松湯 | Works | Kishino Shogo(6D)-木住野彰悟 - created via
This is another great use of expressive typography. Using the “o” instead of any other letter was the best choice with this word. The “o” in this case gives us the “aw” sound when saying the word “drop” rather than a long o sound like the word “stove”. Great job on this one.
リーフレット | 長崎のグラフィックデザイン事務所 | DEJIMAGRAPH
單張設計| IU /(有)愛玉
Photo & Image Portfolio by mangsaabguru | Shutterstock Contributor
Elderly Society info graphics and icons.flat thin line design elements. vector illustration - stock vector
池袋西武 リニューアルオープン | Works | Kishino Shogo(6D)-木住野彰悟
池袋西武 リニューアルオープン 2009