
58 Pins
Open Innovation / Herramientas para la Competitividad - Koke Romero
Open Innovation / Herramientas para la Competitividad by Koke Romero, via Behance
An intergral part of any new visual identity and corporate image, Your logo should sum you up, invite and let people instantly know what you do. For BCN Lip we made not only the design of the logo itself, but a stunning display of it that ties the logo togheter with what they do and is the centerpoint of their lobby. 2743 pencils where used.
Годовой отчет для банка БФА за 2011 год Годовой отчет © Alexander Zhestkov
Self-promo Mailer - Dennis Fuentes
Self promotion idea. When promoting your skills really matter - you have to go the extra mile. Great job - Dennis Fuentes – You are a jedi master