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How to Make Your Own Natural Indigo Dyes (http://blog.hgtv.com/design/2011/09/07/make-your-own-indigo-dyes/?soc=Pinterest)
Esther Fitzgerald Rare Textiles
Africa | Indigo strip woven and resist dyed cotton cloth. Known as Ndop Cloth Baminiki People, Grassland of Cameroon | Mid 20th century. @Deidré Wallace
I took a class from an indigo blue dye master when we were in Japan. This is the same classic technique.
Traditional Japanese indigo dye studio, Mashiko City, Tochigi, Japan
Kokkabok womens cotton group: preparing natural indigo dye in Thailand.
Propos Deco - Idées de décoration pour n'importe quelle pièce
Indigo : l’aventure bleue d’une couleur voyageuse
Cloth & Goods
Cloth and Goods varient of indigo dye yarn - in the mood for indigo
An Indigo Blue Day - ClothRoads
An Indigo Studio and dye pot in Laos from ClothRoads Blog | An Indigo Day
Amazing bag from n-tarco.com I wish I could read Japanese so I could navigate the website...