채색할때 참고

129 Pins
#らくがき 肌塗り - 笹原 夜風@館のイラスト - pixiv
[#らくがき] 肌塗り - 笹原 夜風@館のイラスト - pixiv
EtheringtonBrothers (@EtheringtonBros) on X
"Our next feature tutorial today is this great tip on dodging PILLOW SHADING by the excellent @PhaiPahi! Thinking of FORM and how that TAPERS you shadows is so important, and this is a good reminder of the best way to AVOID flattening your forms!" by EtheringtonBrothers.
吉村拓也【イラスト講座】 on Twitter
吉村拓也【イラスト講座】 on Twitter: "『たった2色で手に立体感だす塗り方』… "
SOLRAKA | PROPIC (@p2nki) on X
SOLRAKA on Twitter: "라이팅..천천히 색 입혀봐야겠다… "
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河CY on X
河CY(@kawanocy) 님의 미디어 트윗 / 트위터