
83 Pins
Mais artes do filme Um Monstro em Paris
A-Monster-in-Paris-DaveCano-2 ✤ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES | Find more at https://www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences if you're looking for: #line #art #character #design #model #sheet #illustration #expressions #best #concept #animation #drawing #archive #library #reference #anatomy #traditional #draw #development #artist #pose #settei #gestures #how #to #tutorial #conceptart #modelsheet #cartoon #vehicle #car #cars #blueprint @Rachel Oberst Design References
Sans titre
"the anatomy is terrible but I still kind of like it so what the hell I enjoy drawing pretty girls wearing clothes from my wardrobe haha.." by Boenne
Character Design References
(http://birdgekis.tumblr.com/tagged/burdarts) ★ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES | マンガの描き方 • Find more artworks at https://www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences http://www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh and learn how to draw: #concept #art #animation #anime #comics || ★
Pinup Arena
Anna Cattish ✤ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES | キャラクターデザイン • Find more at https://www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences if you're looking for: #lineart #art #character #design #illustration #expressions #best #animation #drawing #archive #library #reference #anatomy #traditional #sketch #development #artist #pose #settei #gestures #how #to #tutorial #comics #conceptart #modelsheet #cartoon || ✤
The Art of Anna Cattish* • Blog/Website | (www.annacattish.com) ★ || *Please support the Artists and Studios featured here by buying this and other artworks in their official online stores • Find us on www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences | www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh | www.characterdesignreferences.tumblr.com | www.youtube.com/user/CharacterDesignTV and learn more about #concept #art #animation #anime #comics || ★
Character Design References
Art by Douglas Holgate* • Blog/Website | (www.skullduggery.com.au) • Online Store | (www.houseofskullduggery.bigcartel.com) ★ || *Please support the artists and studios featured here by buying this and other artworks in their official online stores • Find more artists at www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences and www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh and learn more about #concept #art #animation #anime #comics || ★
Kavalier and Clay by aerettberg on DeviantArt
Kavalier and Clay by ~aerettberg on deviantART ✤ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES | キャラクターデザイン | • Find more at https://www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences & http://www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh and learn how to draw: concept art, bandes dessinées, dessin animé, çizgi film #animation #banda #desenhada #toons #manga #BD #historieta #strip #settei #fumetti #anime #cartoni #animati #comics #cartoon from the art of Disney, Pixar, Studio Ghibli and more || ✤
Vera Expressions by sharkie19 on DeviantArt
Vera Expressions by sharpie91.deviantart.com on @deviantART ✤ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES | キャラクターデザイン | çizgi film • Find more at https://www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences & http://www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh if you're looking for: #grinisti #komiks #banda #desenhada #komik #nakakatawa #dessin #anime #komisch #manga #bande #dessinee #BD #historieta #sketch #strip #fumetto #settei #fumetti #manhwa #koominen #cartoni #animati #comic #komikus #komikss #cartoon || ✤