Hillary for Halloween

From her simple beginnings in Park Ridge, Illinois, to her statement-making years as secretary of state, Hillary has always showcased her signature style. Make a declaration of your own this Halloween in one of these five looks—or enlist your friends and put together a group costume that spans decades.
10 Pins
Troubadour Tim Kaine and 4 other DIY Hillary Clinton costumes for Halloween
Tim Kaine’s done his fair share of traveling—as a missionary in Honduras; as mayor, governor, and senator in Virginia; and out on the trail as Hillary’s running mate. But no matter where he’s going, he’s always ready to treat his audience to a tune or two.
Troubadour Tim Kaine and 4 other DIY Hillary Clinton costumes for Halloween
In high school, Hillary’s favorite Beatle was Paul McCartney—and she was known to debate his merits with her George Harrison-obsessed best friend, Betsy. Her dad, Hugh, ran a tight ship—and Hillary learned to master the art of negotiation over curfews and prom dresses. Get ready for picture day at Maine South High School with this Hillary Rodham–approved Halloween costume! Click this pin for 4 more Hillary Clinton-inspired Halloween looks.
Troubadour Tim Kaine and 4 other DIY Hillary Clinton costumes for Halloween
As secretary of state, Hillary fought for the global advancement of women and girls, negotiated strict sanctions on Iran, and helped restore America’s credibility in a fractured world. But she also rocked power pantsuits and scrunchies while sending texts from her BlackBerry. Run the world—if only for a night—with a Texts from Hillary–inspired Halloween costume, or click through for four more Hillary Clinton looks.
45+ Feminist Costumes For 2021 That Prove Women Are Here to Slay
Who runs the world? Get the look with this Hillary-inspired costume.
Troubadour Tim Kaine and 4 other DIY Hillary Clinton costumes for Halloween
At the 1995 U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, Hillary declared, "Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights." Today, she’s continuing that fight for women and families. Twenty years after her speech, suit up and stand with Hillary for equal pay, access to health care, and paid family leave. Repin to save this costume, or click through for four more Hillary Clinton-inspired Halloween costume ideas.
Troubadour Tim Kaine and 4 other DIY Hillary Clinton costumes for Halloween
For one of her first White House dinners, Hillary wore a Donna Karan “cold shoulder” dress. Try out her '90s style with this Halloween DIY. Save this pin to get the look, and click through for four more Hillary Clinton-inspired Halloween costumes.
17 Awesome Feminist Costume Ideas For Little Grrrrrls
A costume idea for future Secretaries of State: Texts from Hillary.
Troubadour Tim Kaine and 4 other DIY Hillary Clinton costumes for Halloween
LIFE magazine featured Wellesley College’s first-ever student commencement speaker—Hillary Rodham—in its graduation round-up, “The Class of '69.” On the cusp of the '70s, Hillary donned oversize wire-frame glasses, strappy leather sandals, and psychedelic striped pants for the LIFE photoshoot. Channel her hipster style for Halloween! For more Hillary Clinton-inspired costumes, click this pin.
Hillary's Headbands
Hillary loves a good headband. For Halloween, try on one of her favorite hair accessories with these looks!
10 Vintage Photos Of Halloween At The White House
TBT! Hillary and Bill dressed as James and Dolley Madison at their 1993 Halloween party held in the East Room.