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Top 10 Most Amazing Sculptures from Around The World
All around the world, in almost any city or town, you can find many monuments, sculptures and statues displayed in parks, squares or other places. These public artworks represent different things, but most usually they are monuments dedicated to fallen heroes, distinguished individuals or represent some significant part of the history. But some of them are pure art, representing their artist's inspiration and message #art
Naum Gabo - Fountain
Naum Gabo KBE, born Naum Neemia Pevsner (5 August [O.S. 24 July] 1890 – 23 August 1977) (Hebrew: נחום נחמיה פבזנר) was a prominent Russian sculptor in the Constructivism movement and a pioneer of Kinetic Art.
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Osaka World Expo 1970 /
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