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가방 이다 가방 도안 이다. 가방 도안 일 것이다. 가방 도안, 떠 놓으면 귀여울 것이다.
Art Quilt by Anne R. Parker: Gradations This is an interesting piece with a simple repeating pattern and changing color.
Out & About: Fine Art Quilt Masters at the Festival of Quilts
Crafting a Life: Out & About: Fine Art Quilt Masters at the Festival of Quilts
13th Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival, 2014 - Part 1
Queenie's Needlework: 13th Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival, 2014 - Part 1
2009 tokyo int'l quilt show @ Juxtapost.com
2009 Tokyo Int'l quilt show
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