
119 Pins
Midblock Crosswalks | National Association of City Transportation Officials
Midblock crosswalk designs explained and illustrated in the NATCO Urban Street Design Guide. Click on image for details, and visit the Slow Ottawa 'Streets for Everyone' Pinterest board for more of these superb illustrations.
National Planning Excellence Award for Boston Complete Streets Design Guidelines
City of Boston's Complete Street Design Guidelines
Pinchpoint | National Association of City Transportation Officials
Pinchpoints explained and illustrated in the NATCO Urban Street Design Guide. Click image for source.Click on image for details, and visit the Slow Ottawa 'Streets for Everyone' Pinterest board for more of these superb illustrations.
Hanged. 3er premio Concurso Mercado de La Laguna 03 | Disposición de presentación, Diseño de tablero de presentación, Dibujo de arquitectura
Hanged. 3er premio Concurso Mercado de La Laguna 03:
Gallery of 'Urban Sponge' Competition Entry / Gemawang Swaribathoro + Indra Nugraha + Morian Saspriatnadi - 5
‘Urban Sponge’ Competition Entry / Gemawang Swaribathoro + Indra Nugraha + Morian Saspriatnadi
Elisa Deiana, Silvia Nicoli, Marco Solinas · Urban design for the Place Lalla Yeddouna · Divisare
Sustainable Urban Corridor: Block Pattern and Underutilized Space in Upper King Street District, Charleston, SC | SE JIN JANG | Archinect
Master Plan & Section