캐릭터 디자인 자료(쉐입_사람)

40 Pins
425 Pin up ten Pose study02 by Galeka-EkaGOo on DeviantArt
425 Pin up ten Pose study02 by GALEKA-EKAGO.deviantart.com on @deviantART
Character Design - Turkey Hat and Thank you by MeoMai on DeviantArt
Character Design - Turkey Hat and Thank you by MeoMai on DeviantArt
Character Design References
Art by Rad Sechrist* • Blog/Website | (www.radfordsechrist.tumblr.com) ★ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES (www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences & pinterest.com/characterdesigh) • Love Character Design? Join the Character Design Challenge (link→ www.facebook.com/groups/CharacterDesignChallenge) Share your unique vision of a theme every month, promote your art and make new friends in a community of over 25.000 artists! || ★
★ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES (https://www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences & https://www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh) • Love Character Design? Join the Character Design Challenge (link→ https://www.facebook.com/groups/CharacterDesignChallenge) Share your unique vision of a theme, promote your art in a community of over 25.000 artists! || ★
Meg Park
This gal again ✤ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES | キャラクターデザイン | • Find more at https://www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences & http://www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh and learn how to draw: concept art, bandes dessinées, dessin animé, çizgi film #animation #banda #desenhada #toons #manga #BD #historieta #strip #settei #fumetti #anime #cartoni #animati #comics #cartoon from the art of Disney, Pixar, Studio Ghibli and more || ✤
Sergio Toppi ✤ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES | キャラクターデザイン | • Find more at https://www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences & http://www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh and learn how to draw: concept art, bandes dessinées, dessin animé, çizgi film #animation #banda #desenhada #toons #manga #BD #historieta #strip #settei #fumetti #anime #cartoni #animati #comics #cartoon from the art of Disney, Pixar, Studio Ghibli and more || ✤
Character Design References
“Amazons” by Olivier Silven* • Blog/Website | (www.oliviersilven.tumblr.com) ★ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES (www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences) invites you to support the Artists and Studios featured here by buying this and other artworks in their official online stores • Find us on www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh | www.youtube.com/user/CharacterDesignTV and learn more about #concept #art #animation #anime #comics || ★