
353 Pins
Paint concrete in stockings!!!!! We'd need to make the concrete a month ahead and let it dry/cure before painting on the craft night. We'd have to limit registration to a certain #. Also how could we make the beaks or feathers on top? Could use large googly eyes.
촛불. 금, 은박을 입혀서 장식 ...Cement, balloons, paint and candles! Awesome idea and I love the look of it.
멋드러진 콘크리트 조명 & 만드는 방법 모음
콘크리트로 만들어보는 멋진 조명 모음!! 보면 볼수록 매력에 빠지는 시멘트 조명들~~~구경하고 있으니 저...
Sculptures lumineuses - Bright sculptures
Paper mache lamps........ sculptures_lumineuses Bal Oriental Unique model made ​​for a great jeweler of the Place Vendome - 2011
Amazing Felt Creations by Atsuko Sasaki - Gift Ideas - Creative Spotting
Japanese felt artist Atsuko Sasaki is an art teacher and by night a genius felter. Atsuko makes fascinating creations with felt with a level of perfection
Meet More Than 60 Up-and-Coming Artisans
Architectural Digest recognizes more than 60 up-and-coming artisans -- sculptors, furniture makers, embroiderers and more.
Easy.cl – Todo lo que necesitas para hacer de tu hogar el mejor lugar del mundo
Un diseño simple y versátil, para combinar con cualquier decoración. #Easytienda #Decoración #Iluminación #Lamparas
시멘트로 만든 멋진 소품들
인테리어 벽걸이 조명
#단아공방 #한지 #무드등 #조명 #인테리어 #부모님 #선물 #취침 #핸드메이드 #수공예 #디자인소품 #아이디어스