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sticks by hou de sousa officially opens at socrates sculpture park in NYC
2016's theme, function, called upon participants to propose concepts in response to a range of practical issues regarding the setting, and serve as venue for educational and community programs scheduled for the season.
Home tour | A pair of minimalist apartments in Tokyo | These Four Walls
Home tour | A pair of minimalist apartments in Tokyo | These Four Walls
KOZOLEC / furniture system
This project was not only intended as a change to the school’s architecture and mobility but also the methodology of teaching. Despite the school’s obvious problems of technical nature the team decided to work in this direction so that those problems coul…
FRONT STORAGE Display unit By Karl Andersson | design Skala Design
Wall-mounted display unit for brochures FRONT | Glass display unit - Karl Andersson & Söner
LBR-2 Book Bench
Do I really need to explain how this bench is worth every cent of its price tag? Seating + Books = (!). It has an angled shelf for books (why, yes, I am nerding out a little bit over that detail). …
옥션 - 앞으로의 인터넷쇼핑, 옥션
오동나무 원목 벽걸이 매거진랙 감성 우드 수납함 2단 - 모바일 쇼핑은 옥션
조선에서 현대까지 우리가 몰랐던 가구; 展 - 4
조선에서 현대까지 우리가 몰랐던 가구; 展 - 4 : 네이버 포스트
텐바이텐 10X10 : 내츄럴모노 NA-12 멀티 테이블/사이드 콘솔(MULTI TABLE)
내츄럴모노 NA-12 멀티 테이블/사이드 콘솔(MULTI TABLE)
미니멀리즘 집꾸미기로 우리집도 다이어트가 필요해
미니멀리즘 집꾸미기로 우리집도 다이어트가 필요해 : 네이버 블로그