
298 Pins
Marvelous Designer to Zbrush Workflow / Clean topology with Subdivision(Maya Required)
Outlaw: Clothes Production & Fluff Material
Sergei Gereev shared a breakdown of his recent character Outlaw made in Maya, ZBrush, Substance Painter, and Marmoset Toolbag.
Hard Surface Modeling: An Evening with Jay Machado
Hard Surface Modeling: An Evening with Jay Machado - YouTube
Making of "BLACK WIDOW" 3D Portrait - Part 1: Zbrush sculpt
Making of "BLACK WIDOW" 3D Portrait - Part 1: Zbrush sculpt - YouTube
Prince of Persia Warrior Within, Tutorial, Jakub Chechelski
Prince of Persia Warrior Within, Tutorial, Jakub Chechelski on ArtStation at https://www.artstation.com/artwork/A9AAqz
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