Information Design

317 Pins
#MakeOverMonday datavisualization - Sonja Kuijpers
infographics, information design, visual communication, data visualization, chart, infographic
Posters, Infographics, and Music image inspiration on Designspiration
Music Infographics
Posters and Infographic Design image inspiration on Designspiration
Interesting / Music Infographics — Designspiration
구십구퍼센트와 일퍼센트 _99% by henny 포트폴리오 - 노트폴리오
구십구퍼센트와 일퍼센트 _99% - 브랜딩/편집, 일러스트레이션
Cities of the world - Great Little Place poster on Behance... - a grouped images picture
Daniele Simonelli was commisoned by the London based app Great Little Place to design a poster with 15 cities from around the world, focusing on their main buildings and landmarks. You can buy this poster on their store.
Post Ratio Landing Page
the fellowship 3 Keywords: Infographic - Data Visualization - Information Design - Infographics - Visualizations
Japan - Editorial illustrations on Behance... - a grouped images picture
Japan - Editorial illustrations on Behance... - a grouped images picture - Pin Them All
Infographic | Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Star Wars: The Force Awakens | Infographic on Behance
ANA歴代CA制服年表 1955~2015|Infographics|ANA Travel & Life
Design Work Life
Simple graphic. Could we show a simple stylised version of each stage in a food producers process like this?