103 Pins
し (@sino_reo)
しのれお on Twitter: "#第五人格イラスト #identityVイラスト 目の色に突っ込んだら負けな陰キャ組を描きました。… "
☆The cycle of life~ You asked me for some more of manga "eye tales" so here's a picture portraying the cycle of life - from the moment a new born baby opens their eyes to the moment they close it for the last time. --------------------- #larienne #manga #anime #copic #copicart #eye #eyes #animestyle #instaartlovers #instagood #instart #instalike #kawaiicute #cutekawaii #mangadrawing #mangagirl #mangastyle #mangaart #animeart #instaartlovers #artappreciation #colorful #sad #happy #makeup #emo...
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