
78 Pins
심플,모던 분위기의 카페,레스토랑 인테리어
안녕하세요 ! 까사알렉시스 대구점입니다 오늘은 외국의 예쁜 카페와 레스토랑으로 포스팅 할까 합니다 !! ...
コース仕立てのデセールで一躍注目を集めた鬼才、森田一頼シェフが、満を持してこの10月赤坂に開いた注目店「リベルターブル」。“リベルテ”とはフランス語で自由の意味だ。その名のとおり、ケーキの中にフォアグラを入れたり、大胆に […]
Bistro Decor Provokes the Young Spirit and Creativity Offers a Relaxing Atmosphere
Bistro Decor Provokes the Young Spirit and Creativity Offers a Relaxing Atmosphere
Boutique Coffee Roaster Coperaco's First Cafe Holds a Modern Tree House
Boutique Coffee Roaster Coperaco's First Cafe Holds a Modern Tree House - Photo 5 of 6 -
좋아요 2,182개, 댓글 18개 - Instagram의 Seoul , Korea(@soomin_jeon)님: "Take It Easy ."
Lanchonete Container: Um Negócio Portátil! (10 cases)
Container SA: Lanchonete Container: Um Negócio Portátil! (10 cases)
fujifilm finepix f401 digital pitcher taker with super ccd honeycom
mobile cafe
Orticola 2011
I could so do this, have my very own cupcake cart. Orticola 2011 by California Bakery, via Flickr:
container restaurant
container restaurant - Buscar con Google
Florida's Custom Manufacturer of Food Trucks and Specialty Vehicles
pop-up container turned into a commercial kitchen.